Recognitions and Document Requests

Governor Hobbs is able, upon request, to provide recognitions for individuals, groups, issues and causes. There are two primary types of recognitions: ·

  • Proclamations: An official declaration marking a specific day, week or month in recognition of a civic cause or issue of regional or state importance (e.g., Litter Cleanup Day, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, etc.)
  • Commendations: An official recognition of an individual accomplishment or milestone or to welcome a group to a conference or event
    • Retirements from government service.
    • Birthdays(newborns and age 70 and older).
    • Eagle Scouts or a Girl Scouts Gold Award.
    • New marriages and wedding anniversaries (25 years or more).
    • State, national or international awards, scholarships or prizes.
    • Noteworthy new jobs, promotions, public service or volunteer work.
    • Milestone anniversaries of nonprofit organizations.
    • To welcome a group or individual to the state for a conference or event.

In addition to reviewing the specific information about Proclamations and/or Commendations, please also read the Terms & Guidelines before Requesting a Document.

Note: For public records requests, click here.


Proclamations are an excellent way of providing valuable education and information to the citizens of Arizona. Proclamations are provided by Governor Hobbs's Office of Constituent Services. The Governor's Office handles as many requests as possible, in accordance with a set of long-standing guidelines. At her discretion, Governor Hobbs will issue recognition for noteworthy events, as a courtesy to Arizona residents. These public service documents are strictly honorary and are not legally binding. All requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The Governor reserves the right to decline any request for a proclamation/commendation or to make exception to the following guidelines:

  1. Proclamation requests are accepted no less than six (6) weeks but no more than twenty six (26) weeks in advance of the event date or proclaimed date.
  2. Proclamations recognize a day, week, or month.
  3. Proclamations are issued for Arizona residents or approved non-profit organizations with preferably statewide, but at least regional interest. Local (city or county wide) proclamations can be issued by local officials (mayors or county commissioners).
  4. Proclamations will not name for-profit organizations.
  5. Proclamations are issued for one period of time only. For example, if “Litter Cleanup Day” is proclaimed on January 1, then “Litter Cleanup Week” and “Litter Cleanup Month” will not be proclaimed in the same year. Arizona organizations are encouraged to coordinate their efforts with other similar groups before contacting the Governor’s office. Organizations are encouraged to request proclamations that coincide with national or state- designated dates.
  6. Requests that are similar to already issued proclamations will be declined. For example, if “Ballet Week” was proclaimed in January and a request for “Ballet Dance Month” is received in June, the request for “Ballet Month” would be declined.
  7. Proclamations are not issued for conferences, birthdays, retirements, weddings, or anniversaries. An exception may be made when a large statewide organization is celebrating a milestone anniversary in conjunction with a state convention. The Governor may declare to honor an anniversary of the association in conjunction with the convention. Another exception may be made when a national organization is holding a national meeting in Arizona. The Governor may issue a recognition in honor of the state and national organization in conjunction with its convention.
  8. When submitting a request for a Proclamation, you must include 3-4 “Whereas” clauses, none longer than three lines per clause.


Commendations are issued to recognize the achievements of individual Arizonans.

Commendation requests are accepted no less than six (6) weeks but no more than twenty six (26) weeks in advance.

Reasons for requesting a Commendation may include:

  • Retirements from government service.
  • Birthdays(newborns and age 70 and older).
  • Eagle Scouts or a Girl Scouts Gold Award.
  • New marriages and wedding anniversaries (25 years or more).
  • State, national or international awards, scholarships or prizes.
  • Noteworthy new jobs, promotions, public service or volunteer work.
  • Milestone anniversaries of nonprofit organizations.
  • To welcome a group or individual to the state for a conference or event.

Terms & Guidelines

The Governor’s Office reserves the right to decline requests and make exceptions to any of the following guidelines:

  1. All requests should be from Arizona residents.
  2. Draft requests should not be longer than one page.
  3. At least six (6) weeks notice is required to provide Commendations and Proclamations.
  4. Draft language may be edited and rewritten at the discretion of the Governor’s Office.
  5. Every request must gain official approval before being issued.

All requests must be submitted in writing through the fillable form on this website

Submit Your Request