K-12 Schools

$163 million for K-12 schools above and beyond inflation for FY 2018
Teacher Pay Raises

$68 million for a 2% teacher pay raise
University Bonding

$27 million for universities that will enable over $1 billion in bonding
Results-Based Funding

$37.6 million for results-based funding at public schools, half of which is earmarked for teacher raises
Early Literacy

$20 million over two years for early literacy programs
School Facilities

$80 million for school facilities
Principal Leadership Training

$250,000 to expand principal leadership training
Rural Broadband

$3 million for rural school broadband contributing to a roughly $100 million investment
Teacher Loan Forgiveness

$250,000 to expand teacher loan forgiveness

$1 million for high school graduates to complete JTED programs

$30 million in permanent investments for local transportation infrastructure projects
Arizona State Parks

$6.6 million to grow Arizona State Parks, including $4 million to build Rockin’ River Ranch

$517,900 for substance abuse and reentry counselors to reduce recidivism
Sexual Assault Kit Backlog

$1.2 million to completely eliminate the state’s sexual assault kit backlog
Drought Contingency

$2 million for Arizona’s drought contingency plan
Department of Child Safety

$6 million to upgrade the Department of Child Safety’s outdated electronic management system
Grandma Stipend

$1 million to increase funding for kinship caregivers, often known as the “grandma stipend”
Adoption Services

$2 million for adoption services
Fire Crews

$1.5 million for a post-release fire crew
Groundwater Management

$1.2 million for additional personnel supporting proper management of the state’s streams and groundwater
Opioid Addiction